About ArlettaUNLEASHED

A r l e t t a UNLEASHED
The Intuitive Confidence-in-Love Specialist

ArlettaUNLEASHED is a passionate and intuitive healer/love specialist dedicated to facilitating women’s fulfilling their romantic destiny by gaining confidence and love of self thus being able to magnetize the Man of their Dream.. For ArlettaUNLEASHED her work as an Intuitive Confidence-in-love Specialist is her way of spreading joy. Dedicated to facilitating healthy, happy relationship and clear communication and mutual awe and appreciation between men and women.,ArlettaUNLEASHED is contributing her part to consciously a peace reality and future of hope and satisfied possibility

A multi-talented seeker of beauty and harmony, hopeless romantic and gifted psychic intuitive healer and channel Arletta Saafir was born in Cincinnati, OH, grew up in South Central Los Angeles, moved to Texas at the age of 13, she completed highschool and attended college there. Arletta graduated with honors from Prairie View A&M University with degrees in English and Mathematics. CEO/President of the UNLEASHEDment Company where she ignites Sexy Powerful Feminine and Empowers Women to create satisfying and rewarding lives,She currently lives in Atlanta.

Ushering healing, confidence expansion and falling in delicious satisfying love. Arletta is inviting a world full of happy, ecstatic  lovers who are able spread their joy and bring our planet into oneness. For ArlettaUNLEASHED guiding women to the truth of their own hearts is her Bliss.

When Arletta isn't coaching, blogging, facilitating workshops or hosting her Confidence UNLEASHED Telesummit where she is hosting top relationship experts and showing women how to Unleash Sexy Irresistible Feminine and Magnetize the Man of the Dreams and she is writing and performing poetry, belly dancing teaching Math to young people or taking flying lessons while enjoying being adored by her man. She is the renowned spoken word artist/poet NAKED THOUGHT, has published three poetry collections, is co-editor of WALKING IN THE FEMININE: Stepping Into Our Shoes Anthology and is currently completing her book UNLEASHEDment: A 90 Day Sensual Guide to Awakening the Feminine.

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